Saturday, December 27, 2014

Not My Christmas Story

My youngest son, Enoch, is three years old, and he owns everything.

We went to the beach and he said, “my water.”
He listens to Music and he says, “my Taylor Swift
He sees a truck on the road and he says, “my truck”

His appropriation of everything goes a step further when he takes over for a person or character he sees.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Repost: On Loving Isaiah

Every other week my blog will feature a reposted work. I had been a contributor on two different sites that have since closed or no longer include blogs. I will be reposting pieces that had originally been featured on one of these two sites.  

This was originally posted May 4, 2011

While in my MA program I learned about Bernard of Clairvaux and his work On Loving God.  It seems that we start our journey in the faith loving God for our own sake, then we grow a little and maybe we learn to love God for God’s sake.  According to Bernard of Clairvaux, the final stage is loving self for the sake of God.  I have a long way to go on that journey. 

I’m not even very far on something a little more tangible: my journey of loving my son, Isaiah, as he ought to be loved. 

Monday, December 15, 2014

On Mutants, and Others Like Me

I recently watched the newest X-Men movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past.

To Set the Scene
We recently moved across the country from Indiana to Oregon. We’re closer to family than we were, but still sixteen hours away. We were in Indiana for seven years. It didn’t feel like home right away, and it continued to feel different and midwesterny, but we’d made many good friends and found many connections and familiarities. It had become home. Now everything is new again. Though we’ve met good people, in many ways, we’re strangers in a strange land.
Not only that, the night that I watched the movie was in the midst of a week in which I was alone at home. My wife had taken our sons to visit family for the week of Thanksgiving, but I was on call for work so I stayed home. I live on campus at a university. There’s usually plenty of noise and activity, but most students had left for Thanksgiving break so it was a bit of a Ghost Town.

This is the context in which I watched the latest X-Men movie.

My Realization: Cerebro is about Tribalism

If you’re familiar at all with the X-Men mythos, then you know of Cerebro. Professor X, the leader and founder of the X-Men, is a telepath and Cerebro is a machine that magnifies his mutant powers.  In Days of Future Past, Cerebro is used to locate one particular mutant. Perhaps because of my current life circumstances, the scene hit me in a particularly interesting way.

As I watched Cerebro being utilized in this movie, and thought back to similar scenes in the past movies, I thought,
“On the surface Cerebro fulfills a political, or social, or strategic function, in these stories, but at it’s core, Cerebro is about tribalism.”

Monday, December 8, 2014

Repost: Identity Graduation

Every other week my blog will feature a reposted work. I had been a contributor on two different sites that have since closed or no longer include blogs. I will be reposting pieces that had originally been featured on one of these two sites.  

This was originally posted April 30, 2011

Today was graduation.  I didn’t graduate, though.

I have now worked at Indiana Wesleyan University for four school years.  This was the fourth time that I have walked through the crowds of robes and cameras and given hugs and congratulations. However, this time was different.  I work in a hall for male first-year students so this was the graduation for students who came in when I did.  It was their senior year and mine as well. 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Bible Binging

My wife and sons were gone this past week.

As I was preparing for my upcoming week up bachelorhood, I remember thinking, “I can binge on my bible reading.”

I’m trying to read through the bible in a year again and it’s not going well.  I started in October and was way ahead when November rolled around. Then the inevitable happened: I hit Leviticus. Needless to say, I’m way behind now.

So I thought, maybe without any of the other wonderful, but time consuming, aspects of family (like kids to feed and put to bed) I would have ample time to sit and power through several chapters of divinely inspired holy text. 

Almost immediately I realized how foolish this sort of thinking was.  We’ve turned into a “binging” culture, and that’s not a good thing. Typically we’ll binge on TV shows or movies, watching a season or two of our favorite show in a weekend.  This approach to consuming media isn’t necessarily good; it’s just what we do.

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