Every other week my blog will feature a reposted work. I had been a contributor on two different sites that have since closed or no longer include blogs. I will be reposting pieces that had originally been featured on one of these two sites.

Up until a few years ago I thought my life experience
(specifically stemming from my race) was “normal”. I have read and have come to realize/agree
that (1) there is a White experience
and (2) it is one of privilege whether I am conscious of the benefits or
not. All sources I have gathered
knowledge from seem to agree on these two points. They also agree that open conversation with
whomever is “the other” in one’s life is one good way to begin to change the
tide of systematic racism in one’s sphere of influence. Everyone has different life experiences even
regarding race. I cannot assume that a
person of color has the same experience as another person of color whom I have
had extensive conversations with.
However, I shouldn’t be afraid to humbly and genuinely ask him or her to
share those experiences with me.
Beverly Tatum and Tim Wise highlight some of the situations
most White people do not have to experience.
These include, but are not limited to, being watched carefully by
security while shopping in a department store, fearing that a person in
authority is judging you or your children on the basis of their race, having to
shop more widely for hair-care products and makeup (not to mention Band-Aids),
etc. Some aspects of the White
experience regarding race are, feeling awkward about bring up the topic, fear
of being considered a racist, uncertainty about how to start friendships and
conversations with non-white people, etc.
I must confess, I have experienced all of the typical white
feelings sited above. I am thankful for
the polite encouragement of friends and acquaintances over the last few
years. I hope that I can continue to
humbly learn from others.
I do not know how or when I will bring this issue up with my
son. I do not know if there is a correct
way of going about that. Something I
read in an adoption magazine keeps coming to my mind; an author stated that
when your kids go to school “you may have come to see them as part of your
family and completely equal regardless of their race, but their teachers and
other kids will not.”
One parenting situation I have found awkward lately is
taking my son to public restrooms.
Isaiah will often say he needs to use the restroom, then change his mind
either halfway there or once we get there.
As a parent I want him to stop this ruse, this attempt at
attention. I try to take him at his word
no matter what; I try to teach him not to cry wolf. I tell him, “you told papa you had to
poo-poo, so you need to sit on the potty.”
At this point, he usually starts screaming like crazy “no, noooo,
NOOOO!!!”. This is where my own
insecurities, my own psychological “stuff” comes into play. I’m a white guy in a public bathroom stall
with a little kid that looks nothing like me who is screaming like he’s being
horribly mistreated.
Where does my convictions about being a good parent give way
to my embarrassment?
Do I want to teach my kid that when he screams he gets his
own way?
If I am part of a "scene" in the restroom, will I have to
look the other men in the eye when Isaiah and I leave the stall?
Somehow this situation is tougher than him simply making a
scene in a restaurant or grocery store.
I have no problem taking him aside and talking to him when he’s having a
fit and the general public can see me. I
don’t get a sense that I’m being silently judged when the scene is out in the
open… or at least not as much.
This situation is probably just the first of many issues
that I’ll have to deal with as a White parent of a Indian child. I look forward to the time that I can openly
talk to my boy about these issues, but I struggle with what to do until then.
I don’t know if I have any thought provoking questions
I don’t know that there is a right way for me to handle that
You can tell me the right way if you know it.
You can tell me the right way if you know it.
Maybe it's enough to open up a general discussion of race and parenting and embarrassment and so on.
I know that’s a conversation that needs to happen….
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